Thursday, December 24, 2009

Loved Labyrinth – An Axiom

Loved Labyrinth – An Axiom

You always despised it, never thought of doing it,
You called it a trap, loved labyrinth of steps - chaotic yet orderly and in sequence
You laughed at people, at times sniggered at them – deriving pleasure in the maze
They called it an inevitable, inescapable destiny- natural progression of a common man; an inalienable axiom
You differed not with the axiom but with the application – it applied to an average man not a common man
This is what you always believed – pious faith, yes it was.
But alas! You don’t decide what you do – “the coded axiom”
You never realized when you had entered the maze,
By the time, you deciphered the code, you were there.
Flavors had taken precedence over substance.
Midway, you understood the essence of the puzzle – “loved labyrinth of steps”
This maze is different; here you don’t get lost till long, so long,
You don’t hit a dead-end; every end has some new openings,
Every passage looks logical progression from the last one.
Innumerable footsteps from your predecessors as well as co-travelers make you believe – you are on the “Right Path”.
By the time you would reach the dead-end, you would have lost the energy and enthusiasm to brood over;
Many take the last wall as the ultimate destiny – a pre decided act,
Some repent and remorse, few dare to return to clear the footsteps – an act of misgivings!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ultra Short Stories

He was there, in the middle of the jungle, amidst the infinite darkness and that torrential rain. It was really bone crushing. He was using the light of the intermittent lightning to find a way, the only way! Neurons were at their best. He was moving, yes he could. There he could see the hope in that terrifying lightning. He moved..there was this light..sparkling eyes…neurons were at was so much light..and suddenly it was all over. The hopelessly hopeful lightning had fallen. He was there in the middle of that terrifying jungle calm, hope.

He came, he stayed and he left. He just couldn’t notice it!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Changing Times

Oh child!
You are born with everything- everything!
Childhood milk gets metamorphosed in simulated emotions,
You throw up the former out of ignorance; you cough up the later with full cognizance
Initially your feet imitate animals, later every move mirrors animals
Your changing faces, was so puzzling yet so enjoyable,
Now even your fixed gestures, creates confusion,
You enjoyed listening fictitious stories,
Now you derive pleasure from concocting stories,
At times, you tend to sense the changing waves,
But let the waves cross making yourself invisible – covered under the blanket of “time”
Oh Child,
You take refuse under the unfathomable mist of changing time,
You transform a simple word “life”, into a metaphysical question
Thus you overcome your conscience, and call this pragmatism
Oh Child!
You were born with everything, still you desired more,
You worked hard to transform mere desire into necessity,
It all started with simplification,
It can be simplified in one way – only one way,
Every other way could only complicate,
You forgot this lesson, or may be you simply ignored.


You are like Kafka’s men;
The door is built for you to enter the palace,
But the guard will not let you enter,
The guard knows it; you also know that the guard knows it
A simple fact “the gate is built for you to enter”
A mere existence of the door makes you wait till the end,
You remained content with a simple thought of existence,
Existence in isolation, means nothing,
The idea was to enter the palace, not just to have a door,
You can’t blame the guard,
He did what he was supposed to do,
You forgot what you were supposed to do
You ignored the lessons of life;
Here desire gets tormented, feelings are smothered;
Efforts are ameliorated and results get destroyed.
Every yes consists of different “nos”
You are free inside a boundary, and freedom comes with guidelines
These are given conditions,
You may take it as an eternal truth or a mere aberration,
You have to take a decision – decision with far reaching implications
Everything will change – good or bad
I have no answer – no one has one,
Time will decide – any good or any bad
You may want to give it a try!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Face to Face

Tell me about yourself- enigma, puzzle, yet to be known
Still you describe with clarity in detail – details are assumed to be revealing.
What have you done – buried in the dust or kept in the library with yellow books,
Still you explain one by one – to show that a treasurer is still awaited.
What can you do – given, written and visible on the wall
You still say it loudly – to believe that you also believe it.
How can you say that – for the sake of saying, just a formality
You bring rationale and weave it – to convey the weakest link is not the ultimate strength.
What you want to do in future – alas! The eternal illusion
Pause, halt, dilemma, qualm and finally you utter- want to be on the other side!
All said and all done - you did the greatest service to humanity,
You confirmed, fulfilled one ego and subdued other desire,
You did not break the motion – change in momentum is force,
You had very small surface area and the force would have ameliorated you,
You let existence won over identity – you are still a hero!